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Interviews Under Caution

Interviews Under Caution We are getting lots of feedback from clients telling us they are not given enough time by the DWP fraud investigations teams to arrange legal representation. We do not think this is a deliberate policy to make it difficult to get legal advice but if you do get a letter asking you to attend an interview...
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Overpayments of benefit

Updated annual figures show that the amount of benefit that is deemed to be lost due to fraud and error is just over £1.4 billion. However, the figure for underpaid benefit not claimed by those who need and deserve it is £1.6 billion. Despite this government has no plans to encourage those claimants who are underpaid...
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Most benefit fraud accusations are false

It will come as no surprise to many people to learn that figures just released show that over 85% of benefit fraud accusations made to the DWP are false. Most of these accusations either come from inaccurate or malicious sources and even the most superficial investigation will establish this. However, many people are still accused...
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Court prosecutions

Court prosecutions If you are unfortunate enough to receive a summons to court for benefit fraud offences then you must act quickly. Contact the solicitors who represented you at the Interview Under Caution. If you did not have a solicitor then get an experienced benefit fraud solicitor right away as its possible to have the...
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Free Advice

If you are under investigation for benefit fraud then get help before your interview not after! Everyday we hear from many people who have already been to their Interview under Caution and did not get expert advice beforehand. This usually results in things going wrong for them including prosecution, huge repayments and loss of their...
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Concentrix are a private company who are paid by HMRC to investigate potential Tax Credit fraud. They appear to concentrate on those single claimants who they suspect are living with another person without declaring it. If they write to you stating they believe you are cohabiting then do not accept this, often their information is...
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Tax Credit Investigations

Tax Credit Investigations Local DWP benefit fraud teams are now taking over the investigation and prosecution of Tax Credit fraud. If you get a letter asking you to attend an Interview Under Caution from the DWP do not assume you have nothing to be concerned about if you do not receive DWP benefits. It could...
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Councils to team up with DWP

Councils to team up with DWP In January we reported that local authority benefit fraud investigation teams will be merging with their DWP counterparts.  We have now heard that these changes will take effect as of 1 April 2015, meaning that there will be a more joined-up approach to investigations and prosecutions of suspected benefit...
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Tax evasion vs benefit fraud

Given the time and attention that is devoted to benefit fraud both in the media and by Government, you might be forgiven for thinking that this is the issue that is costing the country the most.  However, an analysis of HMRC data shows that In the past year, the total spent on all kinds of...
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